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Behind the Wall

Martha speaks of life behind the wall. Before lockdown. And after. 

Posted during UNWomen’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence.

This year is like no other. Even before COVID-19 hit, violence against women and girls had reached pandemic proportions. Globally, 243 million women and girls were abused by an intimate partner in the past year. Meanwhile, less than 40 per cent of women who experience violence report it or seek help.’

Bedrooms, backstreets, squares, parks, public toilets, buses, taxis, playgrounds, the corridors of government offices, hospitals, cinemas, supermarkets, our cities must be safe for women and girls. Sharing women’s stories. Also listen to: 15 Minutes; Tori Tori ; Squat-to-Pee and Under the Sun 

Proud Ogoni woman, challenging traditions and myself. Training to be a presenter. Hours in the studio and hours in the books I love. One day I’ll read mine on air.