
Beyond Sight

The city is a maze, an obstacle course, a series of traps for those with poor vision. Not the sidewalks or the road crossings, not bank doors or the clinic steps, not the supermarket shelves or library shelves, not the primary school classroom or the university lecture hall, no public or commercial space in Port Harcourt seems to have the blind in mind. 

The Lens Rehabilitation Foundation has a sharply focused mission: to equip the visually impaired with the skills and tools to navigate their lives with confidence and independence. In this story, where sound paints a rich picture, Grace follows three visually impaired friends on their journey through the foundation and beyond.


This SoJo Programme was made in partnership with Nigeria Health Watch. This collaboration was made possible by NAMIP.

As one of Chicoco’s lead journalists and drama producers, local stories are important to me. They take me on journeys, often accompanied by my 5-year-old co-presenter, Biomele.